This year’s Cannes Film Festival has delivered some off-the-charts bizarre on-screen action, from Kristen Stewart’s nudity in the risqué ‘On the Road’ to the dizzying ‘Holy Motors,’ which left one critic feeling “drunk” after its press screening. But few can hold a candle to Lee Daniels’ ‘The Paperboy,’ which allegedly contains a graphic scene of Nicole Kidman urinating on ‘High School Musical’ heartthrob Zac Efron.

You read that right. Vulture’s recap of Daniels’ ‘Paperboy’ — his follow up to the Oscar-winning ‘Precious: Based on the Novel “Push” by Sapphire’ — documents the seriously-bizarre-sounding true-crime legal thriller. The action’s set in a steamy Florida community where a death-row inmate (John Cusack) relies on a newspaper writer (Matthew McConaughey) and his brother (Efron) to dig up enough truth to possibly set him free.

None of that matters, however, when we tell you Daniels’ includes a sequence of Efron getting stung by a jelly fish (uh, what?), only to have Kidman’s character straddle the 24-year-old ‘Lorax’ star and pee on his face and chest.

We’re praying he kept his eyes wide shut.

As Vulture puts it, Daniels “directs the whole movie at a high-camp level of trashy-sexy allure,” with Kidman proving once again that she’s “a star who’s willing to give the role her all.” Literally.

But most critics weren’t impressed. Our own James Rocchi graded the film an “F” and had this to say after the screening:

Unless, of course, you’re paying to see Nicole Kidman pee on Zac Efron. Because then, it’s perfect.

‘The Paperboy’ should be in theaters later this year, hopefully in the thick of the Oscar-campaigning season. And stories like this only help sell the campy feature to curious onlookers who might not otherwise have been interested. What about you? Does this make you more interested in seeing ‘Paperboy,’ or do the negative reactions from critics mean you’ll likely sit it out?

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