It’s been a while since there’s been a reason to be excited about the MTV Movie Awards -- really, how many movie award shows are we expected to sit through with enthusiasm -- but it looks like 2013 is the year that all changes.

In a very clever move indeed, producers have tapped the clearly unconventional (and very funny) Rebel Wilson to host what promises to be a rather inappropriate MTV Movie Awards show on Apr. 14.

Wilson revealed the news to her Twitter followers on Thursday:

And the announcement video alone indicates how close to the edge our little Rebel plans to play it.

The list of past hosts for the MTV show is as random as a bingo drawing, so it's refreshing to find out the network chose such a crowd-pleaser this time around. Guess they wanted a little of the buzz the Golden Globes got by locking in hosts Tina Fey and Amy Poehler.

And speaking of funny chicks, Wilson will be the first female host of the MTV Movie Awards since Sarah Silverman in 2007. And she might even more fun.

Not only is she adorable and unpredictable, she’s also Australian -- and who doesn’t love a funny Aussie?

People who are bad on the inside where it can't be changed, that's who.

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