July 4th is the only holiday MOST people celebrate in July, and it’s the only OFFICIAL holiday in July, but there are plenty of random, unofficial, and made-up holidays this month that you might want to get in on too.  Here are six of ‘em.

July 6th, International Kissing Day. This started as National Kissing Day in the U.K., but now it’s supposedly gone worldwide.

July 11th, Slurpee Day. The date is 7/11, so 7-Eleven stores give out small, free Slurpees to celebrate.  Or you could go to 7-Eleven on any other day and pay $1.50 to get the same Slurpee without having to stand in a 45-minute line.

July 13th, National French Fries Day. Last year SOME McDonald’s gave out free fries on this day.  Some.

July 14th, National Nude Day. This started in New Zealand, and encourages you to celebrate your nudity as much as possible.

July 27th, Bagpipe Appreciation Day.

July 29th, National Lasagna Day. Because there’s no better summer food than piping hot lasagna.

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