
Michigan High School Listed For Sale on Craigslist Most Likely Senior Prank
Michigan High School Listed For Sale on Craigslist Most Likely Senior Prank
Michigan High School Listed For Sale on Craigslist Most Likely Senior Prank
It's the end of the school year and Seniors are about to join the real world. Before they do though, many of them like to prank the high school they have called home for the last 4 years. They like to leave a little something to remember them by. This high school prank is pretty funny and luckily the administration sees it as just what it is....a harmless prank.
‘Girl Car Thief Prank’ Proves Guys Will Do Anything for a Hottie
‘Girl Car Thief Prank’ Proves Guys Will Do Anything for a Hottie
‘Girl Car Thief Prank’ Proves Guys Will Do Anything for a Hottie
More times than not, if a dude sees a lady in distress, we drop whatever we are doing and help her - especially if she's hot. Hey, sad, but true. Watch this hilarious prank where a hot girl gets all of these dudes to break into "her car" when, all of a sudden, the actual owner comes running up, in this hot girl car thief prank thanks to Break.
Cop Pulls Over People to Give Them Money in Break’s ‘Prank it FWD’ Campaign
Cop Pulls Over People to Give Them Money in Break’s ‘Prank it FWD’ Campaign
Cop Pulls Over People to Give Them Money in Break’s ‘Prank it FWD’ Campaign
We all hate to get pulled over by the cops because, more times than not, you end up getting a ticket out of the whole deal. But, what if the cop gives you money instead of a ticket? That's exactly what Break did as part of their 'Prank It FWD' campaign. Watch the hilarious reactions from the drivers who get pulled over and given money instead of a ticket.
AMC’s “The Walking Dead” Pull Off Hilarious Prank in New York City
AMC’s “The Walking Dead” Pull Off Hilarious Prank in New York City
AMC’s “The Walking Dead” Pull Off Hilarious Prank in New York City
So, say you're walking down the city street, when all of a sudden, zombie hands start attacking you from a drain. Well, that's exactly what happened to some people in New York City recently. Check out this hilarious prank that AMC's "The Walking Dead" pulled recently ahead of this Sunday's season premiere.
Magic of Rahat is Back With Drive Thru ‘Hearing Names’ Prank
Magic of Rahat is Back With Drive Thru ‘Hearing Names’ Prank
Magic of Rahat is Back With Drive Thru ‘Hearing Names’ Prank
By now you've probably seen several videos from YouTube user magicofrahat including the 'walk on water' prank, or even the 'spider on the hand' prank. Well now the magician is back, this time terrorizing drive thru restaurants with this epic 'hearing names'. Basically, it's a  prank where he records a workers name on his phone and plays it back while they look around and think they are hearing voi
Ski Mask Bank Prank May Be One Joke That Goes a Little Too Far
Ski Mask Bank Prank May Be One Joke That Goes a Little Too Far
Ski Mask Bank Prank May Be One Joke That Goes a Little Too Far
I've seen some awesome pranks over the years on our website. Some are a little edgier than others, or just plain stupid, but most of the time, they're hilarious. However, one prank may have gone a little too far in the stupidity category. Watch as this dude, dressed up in a ski mask, walks into different banks to prank unsuspected people. Surprised this dude didn't go to jail.

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