state of the union

‘That’s Me’ Woman From Obama’s State of the Union Address Commits Public Modesty ‘Fail’ [VIDEO]
‘That’s Me’ Woman From Obama’s State of the Union Address Commits Public Modesty ‘Fail’ [VIDEO]
‘That’s Me’ Woman From Obama’s State of the Union Address Commits Public Modesty ‘Fail’ [VIDEO]
During last night’s State of the Union address, President Barack Obama referenced a woman named Kathy Proctor, a mother of two and former factory worker earning a degree in biotechnology. In the most epic modesty fail we’ve ever seen, Proctor, who was sitting in the audience, excitedly blabbed to everyone around her that she was the woman in question.
State of the Union [VIDEO]
State of the Union [VIDEO]
State of the Union [VIDEO]
President Obama's 2011 State of the Union (titled "Winning the Future") focused heavily on all political parties working together -- Republican and Democrat congress members even watched in a mixed seating arrangement, rather than occupying separate sections of the House. Obama also announced his administration would move forward with health care reform, work on immigration law, build in