Texas is still in shock over Blue Bell recalling its beloved ice cream products due to a listeria scare. And now, one person has tried to cash in on Texans' desire for Blue Bell by selling it on Craigslist.

Lifelong Texans already get the mystique of Blue Bell. And folks from Texas moving to other states will brag about few things: Tacos, Great BBQ, Whataburger and Blue Bell. But for everyone else, this whole Craigslist Blue Bell selling might sound really weird.

According to ABC News, a half-gallon of Blue Bell recently appeared in a Craigslist ad. The post (which has since been removed) said: "Blue Bell vanilla ice cream tested by me and I'm still alive!"

The asking price? $499 bucks!

$499 for a half-gallon of ANY ice cream is crazy to me. However, if 'live dangerously and take chances' is your motto, buying recalled (and possible listeria-tainted) Blue Bell ice cream on Craigslist will definitely help you live up to it.

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