Fourteen lifeguards in El Monte, California, were fired for creating a parody of a popular YouTube music video.

The parody of  “Gagnam Style” by Korean pop star PSY, was made while the employees were on breaks at work or off-duty.

The employees posted the video on YouTube and under the video they state:

The city manager OFFICIALLY fired us for using the facility for private use and wearing uniforms in public while off-duty. Afterwards we were UNOFFICIALLY told that our music video was both "disgusting" and an "embarrassment to the city of El Monte."
We 14 were terminated due to "at-will" employment. People who did not participate in our video but were merely caught in the background were fired. One manager who did not appear in the video at all was also fired.

The lifeguards are fighting back and have created a Facebook page called “Bring back the 14 El Monte Lifeguards.”

They are also trying to spread the word about an El Monte city council meeting next week to  protest the firing.

Take a look at their video below.  Do you think they should have been fired?

They have a petition you can sign here to support them or visit their Facebook page.

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