A new study on 3-D movies indicates they may not be worth the high ticket price. Researchers in the study found that 3-D doesn't necessarily give audiences a greater sense of 'being there' than a conventional 2-D motion picture. Nor does 3-D create a more intense emotional experience.

The study did find that 3-D moviegoers experienced more eye strain, vision problems in general, and headaches as opposed to those watching a 2-D film. I have found that the headaches are the major issue for me when watching 3-D.

What is your experience? Do you like the 3-D effects? Do you think it could be just a fad? We now have 3-D high definition televisions too, to recreate the technology at home. Are you planning to buy one? I don't think I'm going to go there. Check out this video of 'Thirty-seven 3-D movies in 2 minutes: (via FoxNews.com)

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