Joel McHale has been dealing with rumors that he's gay, but he really couldn't care less. Instead, 'The Soup' host and 'Community' star -- who's been married to a woman since 1996 -- is hugely flattered.

"I always find it really weird when guys flip out over someone thinking they might be gay," the gregarious McHale told The Advocate. "If a guy gets offended by that, there's something's wrong with him. I take it as a compliment."

Please place your slow claps here.

"'Community' needs all the [ratings] help it can get, so thank God for our gay fans," he said. "Our young gay fans especially are the loudest and most Internet-savvy. That also speaks to the quality of our show, which I think is highly intelligent."

McHale continued to joke in the interview, saying gay men often flirt with him by holding a boom box over their heads (a la 'Say Anything') and that the best way to deal with this is a "quick, courteous blow job."

His own man crushes include Brian Williams, Patrick Stewart, Nathan Fillion, Kobe Bryant and Chaz Bono. So pretty much something for everyone.

Gentlemen? Start your engines.

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