Soda of course is a great drink, but I found this video that shows us so many other ways to use it.

Who knew you could do so much with a soft drink. It looks like it doesn't really matter what kind of soda as in the color of it like Coke or Sprite. On the cut flowers hack, I think it would be fun to use an orange or a strawberry soda, although...would it change the color of the flowers? Still, that might really make it fun. That hack and the picnic pest hack will require regular soda for the sugar.

In this video you find out:

-How to remove gum that is stuck on your driveway or sidewalks.

-How to keep those cut flowers fresh longer.

-Get rid of bird dropping or tree sap off your car.

-Keep those pesky picnic pest away from your food.

-A great use for flat soda.

-Make a soda can lantern. This would come in handy when your camping.

- How to easily clean a toilet. I'm just hoping that's chocolate in the video.

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