You can't miss it. Prices at the pump are steadily going up, and up, and up.  We are already nearing $3 a gallon and the pundits are warning about $5 per gallon gas this summer.


I don't know about you, but I just can't believe there's not a conspiracy going on here. And I'm not one of those folks that sees a conspiracy in everything. There are way too many of those people out there.

I've always thought there was collusion among all of the power players in big oil. From OPEC to our domestic oil companies, it just seems that way.

As soon as there's a breath of press about a small upswing in the economy, they start sticking it to the American public at the gas pumps. It really makes me want to get a new Chevy Volt, if I could afford one. And while I'm at it, I might as well invest in a wind generator setup for my house. Wouldn't it be fantastic to get off the grid? And get big oil out of my pockets.

You can read about the predictions for summertime gas prices right here at

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