I guess it's official. I'm old. I got my AARP card and welcome kit in the mail yesterday. These guys are good. It arrived three weeks shy of my 50th birthday. 


My wife thought it was extremely funny, especially my reaction to it. She had several quips and one-liners. I let her go on for about two minutes before she caught herself.  She realized that she will be getting her card in about a year and a half.

On the good side of the equation, you can best believe that I'm going to send in the membership fee.  I feel like I've earned those discounts at restaurants, hotels, and airlines if for no other reason than reaching that big 5-0.

But I will be offended if they offer me the discount without me showing the card!  I've got my pride....at least the little of it that's left. (see aarp.org)

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