What’s Trending Hot This Summer in the State of Texas?
Okay, since this whole working-from-home thing began, I've thought some of my friends have taken it a little bit too far. That is, until I got to check out how much they've been updating and adding to their home. I've always wanted a pergola in my backyard, and my buddy Brian's pergola addition is absolutely crazy.

Then I went to my brother's house and saw all the additions he's made to his place. Not only does his backyard kingdom have a new "wet bar" but also a 72-inch television mounted to the wall under his pergola. Plus it has an indoor/outdoor sleeper sofa, wow. Thus the reason I call it a "kingdom".
I recently got to hang out with some other friends over the weekend. When I showed up at my buddy David's house, I realized why I haven't seen much of him and his wife lately. Simply put, they've been busy updating their backyard and growing an incredible vegetable garden.
As the evening progressed we were discussing what had enticed them to go all out, adding an outdoor kitchen and yet another pergola (with a bar I might add). They both are still working from home, and have had more time to concentrate on backyard projects.
The best part is that my family and friends say they don't go out to eat as much because they love their new spaces so much. My buddy revealed that they had been poking through social media to find the real restaurant recipes for his favorite foods, steaks, and more. I started digging into social media too, and discovered that there are some activities that are trending in Texas this summer.
Here's what I discovered that is hot and "Trending in Texas". By the way, I've started cooking more at home and the kids are coming over to hang out more often. I'm sharing what I found on Facebook, TiK Tok, Pinterest, Yelp, and Twitter. Enjoy.