Kerry Washington played the nagging and jealous girlfriend (and dancer and singer) in 'My Girl,' a fake music video on 'SNL' last night (Nov. 2) that was beyond brilliant and which parodied Ylvis' 'The Fox.' It effectively captured the nonsense that can take place in the space of a pop music song and video.

K. Wash portrayed the iPhone checking, sassy GF who isn't having any of Jay Pharaoh's roving eye. She catches him mid-text with Sasha Club, who is "thinking about" her man, and turns her anger into a catchy rap/pop/EDM song chorus.

Oh, you know, she asks, "Who that / Who that / Who that b----," and refers to any female that he knows to as a "ho."

We're not sure if she has been cheated on, but it sure feels like it, as she flies into reactionary mode.

It was quite the send up of the video format and of this particular song. Washington made a believable pop star and one helluva host of 'SNL.'

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