16 Breathtaking Photos of Ladybugs
Continuing our unofficial "Stop Being Afraid of Insects" series, here are 16 pictures of ladybugs. Granted, most people aren't afraid of ladybugs, but they've probably never seen that video of a ladybug taking off in super-slow motion. Or had a house infested with them. They can be pretty disturbing when they're part of a throbbing ladybug mass. But not like this. This is adorable.
Ladybug on Rose
Three Ladybugs
Iguana and Ladybug
Albino Ladybug
Waving Ladybug
Ladybug on Water GIF
Wasp and Ladybug
Snail and Ladybug
Macro Ladybug
LadyBug Drift
Flying Ladybug
Dew Bug