Devo’s Mark Mothersbaugh Sued by Former Nanny
In news that has already triggered dozens of supposedly witty rejoinders based around variations of "crack that whip," Devo's Mark Mothersbaugh is being sued by his family's former nanny for "wrongful termination, age discrimination, emotional distress, and her unpaid overtime."
As tends to be the case with these sorts of things, TMZ has the scoop, which stems from legal proceedings filed by the former nanny in question, Luna Kahn, this week in Los Angeles court. Kahn accuses Mothersbaugh of firing her in April after she returned from two weeks of medical leave, which she'd taken in order to undergo intestinal surgery. When she came back, she says she discovered that the family cut her hours severely, and had already hired a younger replacement.
The suit goes on to accuse the family of various abuses, particularly with regards to Mothersbaugh's wife, who's quoted as calling Kahn "a pig, an idiot, stupid and dumb right to her face." Although Kahn insists she regularly worked more than her allotted 40 hours a week, she claims she was rarely paid overtime, and says when she complained about having her hours cut down to four a week, Mothersbaugh told her, "If you don’t like it, don’t bother coming back."
No word on court dates for the case, although with Devo out on tour for the summer, Kahn will likely have to wait awhile to see a judge. In the meantime, perhaps the Mothersbaugh family can take comfort in the knowledge that they're far from the first celebrity employers to face this sort of thing; in just the last decade, lawsuits have been filed by former domestic workers for Dolores Riordan of the Cranberries, Alanis Morissette, and Tommy Lee.
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