
First came Myspace, then it was Facebook, and now it’s Twitter. That’s right, if you’re not on Twitter, then you’re life isn’t complete. One of my favorite features about Twitter is the HashTag and from time to time, we’ll have HashTag Games and this round is #favevideogame.

If you’re asking “what is a hashtag?” then you came to the right place.

Definition: The # symbol, called a hashtag, is used to mark keywords or topics in a Tweet. It was created organically by Twitter users as a way to categorize messages.

So, on to this week’s hashtag game: #favevideogame. This game is easy, just create a tweet naming your favorite video game and include this #favevideogame in your tweet so it will post on the appropriate page.

We had some great responses this week, however, my staff could only pick 10.

So here they are in no particular order:

Now that you have the idea, the next round deals with things that don’t go together, or things that don’t mix well. Get on Twitter and leave your best tweet and include: #thesedontmix

Here’s an example of this week’s game:




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