Robert Downey Jr. Will Appear in ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’
He’d already majorly hinted that it would happen on Jimmy Kimmel Live, but now Sony’s official Twitter account says it’s confirmed: Robert Downey Jr. will appear in the upcoming Spider-Man reboot from Sony, Spider-Man: Homecoming.
Aaaaand that’s about all they can confirm. In their own report on the news, Variety says they don’t know how big Downey’s role will be or what exactly he’ll be doing (or, for that matter, what anyone in Spider-Man: Homecoming will be doing, beyond the vague contours of great powers being used with great responsibility). They just note that Downey and Spider-Man star Tom Holland had “great chemistry” in Captain America: Civil War, and that “Sony and Marvel knew they had to work hard to get these two back together.”
ScreenCrush’s Editor-In-Chief Mike Sampson was amongst the first to see and review Civil War and he had nothing but great things to say about Spider-Man, Holland, and the character’s role in the movie. (He also said the movie is so entertaining without Spidey that he completely forgot the character was coming. “It’s like enjoying a delicious meal and then the chef reminds you that was just the first course,” he wrote in his review.)
One of the best parts of this new Spider-Man reboot is the fact that while it’s still being produced by Sony, it’s being made in collaboration with Marvel and will be connected to the main Marvel Cinematic Universe. If this partnership works, who knows what other Marvel characters whose rights are held by other companies could start to work their way back into the main MCU. There could be so many more heroes for Robert Downey Jr. to interact-with-slash-make-fun-of. Spider-Man: Homecoming opens in theaters on July 7, 2017.
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