- Prince Harry declared Most Eligible Bachelor in the world because of reasons. [Life & Style]

- Mark Wahlberg and his fictional teddy bear friend Ted will reunite at the Oscars. [ScreenCrush]

- Kim Kardashian won't film her birth because everyone already knows what her vagina look like. [PopBytes]

- Don't forget Shakira is pregnant, too. By the looks of it, she'll blow any day now. [Amy Grindhouse]

- Beyonce listens to Rick James' 'Make Love to Me' when she's scared of sexing up Jay-Z.  [Bohomoth]

- Lady Gaga won't be at President Obama's Inauguration, so the 'Glee' cast will perform for her. [Hypable]

- Despite a Nicki Minaj/Mariah Carey feud to boost ratings, 'American Idol' viewers bailed en masse. [Rickey]

- Jennifer Lopez doesn't regret any of her life choices. Nope, not even that one. Or that one. [PopCrush]

- Scientologist Erika Christensen doesn't worship rabbits, distracts everyone with her boobs. [IDLYITW]

- Japanese animation explains Manti Te’o's fake dead girlfriend better than we ever could. [SeriouslyOMG]


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