- Tommy Lee Jones is the grumpiest interviewee ever and we love him for it. [Film Drunk]

- Rihanna stole a plane full of journalists and forced them to smell her unicorn musk. [Jezebel]

- Beyonce Tumblr'd her birthday party and boobs for your viewing pleasure. [PopCrush]

- Kris Jenner will invite herself into your photos whether you like it or not. [SeriouslyOMG]

- Tom Hanks talks all things 'Doctor Who' on 'The Late, Late Show With Craig Ferguson.' [Hypable]

- Dear Miley Cyrus, there's this thing called bras. You should get one. [Amy Grindhouse]

- Jared Leto will never be the prettiest girl at the ball and oh my God my eyes MY EYES. [Celebitchy]

- 'The Big Bang Theory' killed in the ratings while Demi Lovato's eyebrows killed our souls. [Rickey]

- It's about time we stopped pretending Jason Trawick wants to marry Britney Spears. [IDLYITW]

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