There's a new app that claims it can tell you when and how you're going to die. Just give it some personal information, and decide for yourself whether or not it's worth believing.
Seems there is an app for almost anything you could possibly want now. A while back one of my co-workers mentioned having a 7-Eleven app on their phone and I busted out laughing that he had a convenience store app on his phone.That led to us discussing our favorite/craziest app we have downloaded and thought I would share that with you.
Kids these days are addicted to their phones and it's become dangerous is some ways. As the parent of a teen, I know it's hard to pry these devices from their hands but the more I read the more I wish they were never invented. There are some apps out there that you should be aware of and at least monitor if your child has it downloaded.
Remember Tamagotchi? The handheld digital pet, which you raised from an egg to an adult creature, was all the rage in the '90s.
Now it's back, as an app.
After last year's flu season, which health officials say was one of the mildest in the past 30 years, the illness is back with a vengeance. Well, if you're unlucky enough to currently have the flu, at least a new Facebook app can help track down the diseased jerk who gave it to you in the first place.
They are seriously making an 'Angry Birds' movie. What will it be about? Who would be in it (aside from obviously Nicki Minaj)? Will it just be Nicki Minaj doing everyone's voices? It raises a lot questions, but none are more depressing than 'if 'Angry Birds,' then _____?' They're turning a phone app into a movie. We predict this is the beginning of a terrible trend. If we're right, here are five
Find yourself wishing the holidays were over already? Well, thanks to a bug in the latest version of Google's mobile operating system, the month of December has been canceled altogether. Is Google the new Grinch?