Remember way back when people criticized Daniel Craig’s casting as James Bond, with some even saying he was too blond for the role? Well, the times have changed, and with Sony searching for new some new blood to eventually fill 007’s shoes, it looks like they’re willing to pay Craig the big bucks to stick around for a few more installments.
Mother of Dragons, Breaker of Chains, Khaleesi, First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men; Emilia Clarke’s Daenerys Targaryen has a lot of nicknames. But the ‘Game of Thrones’ actress is looking to add one more to her resume: James Bond. Or I should say, Jane Bond.
The new Bond movie Spectre opened over the weekend and came in at #1 at the box office. Bringing in $73 million a distant second was The Peanuts Movie at $45 million. Daniel Craig says this is his last James Bond movie. Hard to believe, Craig was named Bond 10 years ago? Wow, time does fly.
Spectre is amusing and stylish, but just barely. And its fixation on validating Bond’s worth in 2015 through a Snowden-esque subplot about a worldwide security network feels particularly inappropriate given the fact that so much of the movie is spent looking to Bond’s past, rather than his present or future.