The Abilene Cultural Affairs Council will celebrate the holidays with the Annual Christmas in the Adamson-Spalding Storybook Garden on Friday, December 6, 2024.
Don't miss Santa Claus, his magical reindeer, Caribbean Christmas lights, ice skating rink, and lots more at Christmas Celebration 2022' at the Abilene Zoo. The fun begins Dec. 16-23.
I had a dream the other night about Santa. Yes, I still dream of Santa but it wasn't the kind of dream where he's bringing me presents; I was trying to capture him.
Okay, I for one am from the school of thought that believes 'there is a Santa Claus and there will always be a Santa.' Some people want to believe that there is no Santa and I always ask, "Then why all the Christmas holiday hoopla?" This year I found a way to prove my beliefs.
Each year I watch the Super Bowl because I love football and I really love the Super Bowl commercials. Never have I said "I love Christmas because of the commercials", but thanks to Chevy, I can actually say that.