
Get a Step-by-Step Guide to Lucid Dreaming
Get a Step-by-Step Guide to Lucid Dreaming
Get a Step-by-Step Guide to Lucid Dreaming
We know -- the first thing we thought when we saw this was "who draws that well on white board" too! Once we got over that, we realized we should actually be paying attention to what this guy's saying. It's a step by step guide from asapScience to achieving lucid dreams -- dreams you are cognizant of and can control...
Watch 32 Metronomes Sync Up (It’s Science!)
Watch 32 Metronomes Sync Up (It’s Science!)
Watch 32 Metronomes Sync Up (It’s Science!)
We realize asking people to stare at a bunch of out-of-sync metronomes is kind of a hard sell, but this is actually really cool. For a while it seems like it's not going to happen, then, magically (note: technically physics, not magic), they do. Here's why.
College Professor Sets Off Ping-Pong Ball Explosion
College Professor Sets Off Ping-Pong Ball Explosion
College Professor Sets Off Ping-Pong Ball Explosion
Dr. Roy Lowry wanted to demonstrate a few basic principles of science, notably the behavior of liquid nitrogen under pressure. But how to get that across in a way that even the least scientifically curious student would think of as awesome. Easy: Just add ping-pong balls!
Chupacabra Mystery Solved?
Chupacabra Mystery Solved?
Chupacabra Mystery Solved?
The elusive chupacabra, the mythical beast sighted in parts of the south just might be a hairless raccoon.  They've been sighted here in Texas and we even have a few strange photos.  But depending on analysis of the latest find in Kentucky, the truth might be a letdown...