Well, Supergirl had to brainwash Superman into not appearing in its first finale, so it makes sense Season 2 would modify the tradition. Our first trailer for next Monday’s “Nevertheless, She Persisted” finale teases Tyler Hoechlin’s Man of Steel taking up arms against his cousin, to say nothing of a final showdown with Rhea.
Look, in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a Goodyear tire! No, it’s the new Superman costume from Justice League. Seemingly confirming rumors that the Man of Steel will be wearing a black suit in Zack Snyder’s next superhero epic, Henry Cavill shared a new close-up shot of the Superman costume from the set of the upcoming film — and although you can’t see the entire thing, it is most certainly black.
Has any one person meant as much to the DC Universe over the past 25 years than Bruce Timm? When the animator and TV producer co-created Batman: The Animated Series with Eric Radomski back in 1992, he and his team at Warner Bros. offered a fresh take on an iconic character, finding a balance between the breezy fun of the ’60s Batman and the darker Dark Knight of the ’70s and ’80s. Timm then went on to co-create one of the more entertaining versions of Superman in another animated series, debuting in 1996; and in 2001 he carried the lessons from those two shows into Justice League and Justice League Unlimited, which together comprise some of the best superhero television ever made.
DC fans are expecting some big things from both TV and movies at Comic-Con 2016, and seeing as The Killing Joke might be a little too dark, young animation fans have something to look forward to as well. See DC’s best and brightest with a first official trailer for Cartoon Network’s Justice League Action, along with new cast announcements!
Unfortunate news for fans of former Lois Lane and revered star Noel Neill, as the iconic Adventures of Superman star has passed away at age 95. Neill had portrayed the famous DC supporting character as early as 1948, including cameos in both Richard Donner’s 1978 update and 2006's Superman Returns.
CBS’ Supergirl made clear from the start that it intended to tell Kara’s story - not her Super-cousin’s - though that didn’t stop the DC drama from awkwardly fumbling around his offscreen presence. Now, in addition to the big CW move, Supergirl will finally introduce a flesh-and-blood (or rather steel) Superman, casting for the iconic role now underway.
If you watched Batman vs. Superman, you probably left with a couple questions. What was going on in that “Knightmare” sequence when Bruce Wayne has a vision of an apocalyptic future with Superman ruling an army, flying Parademons and a massive Omega symbol in what’s left of the Earth? And who was that mysterious figure who appears to Bruce and warns him about someone — “You were right about him!” — while telling him that Lois Lane is “the key?” Is this a dream? A vision? A hallucination? And, WHOA that ending! What does all of this mean and how will it impact the Justice League movie and the future of the DC Cinematic Universe? We’ve got your answers!
I honestly cannot believe they’re pronouncing that title “Batman Vee Superman.” When they announced that DC’s mega-hero tussle would be called Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, I assumed it was just quirky branding, and I haven’t met a single person who didn’t call it “Batman Versus Superman” in casual conversation.