If you happen to be in Los Angeles, and don’t have any plans until Monday, we have the perfect activity for you. The Simpsons Ultimate Fan marathon Challenge, which celebrates TV’s longest primtime scripted show’s 500th episode.

Participants in the marathon will begin watching ‘Simpsons’ episodes at 5:30 PM on Wednesday, and won’t stop watching until the animated sitcom airs at its regular time on Sunday February . In the process, they will have seen everything Springfield’s finest ever did on TV.

So far 238 Simpson fanatics have committed to the event on Facebook. Of course some of them just may be coming for the free doughnuts and the chance to meet cast members at the party that kicks the marathon off, and have no real intention of completing what amounts to more than 96 straight hours of TV watching.

But if anybody is able to somehow stay awake, they will not only shatter the previous Guinness World Record for continuous TV viewing, which stands at 86 hours, 6 minutes and 41 seconds, but they will win $10,500 dollars in cash plus assorted merchandise.  May the best couch potato win!

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