You Know You’re From Abilene, Texas if…
Just about everywhere you go, you'll find those quirky little sayings that poke a little fun at your hometown. With a little help from my co-workers, you know you're from Abilene if...
• You know what "frontiering" is. (Actually, what the heck is "frontiering"?)
• You're afraid to drive after a good rain because of the street flooding.
• You think Ranch is its own food group.
• You refer to the airplanes at Abilene Regional Airport as "puddle jumpers".
• You think the only seasons are hot, damn hot, and winter.
• You have to stop for the train at least 3 times in one day.
• You remember drag racing over by Bandera.
• You know the whole town shuts down for the Abilene High and Cooper Crosstown Showdown and you either go to the game, or you throw a huge party because you know most of the cops are working the game.Frank Pain
• You know what a "gut bomb" from Allsup's is.
• The doctor prescribes you allergy medication, regardless of your symptoms.
• You knew who Terry Berry was.
• You know what the "holy dome" is.
• You use more than one church as a points of reference when giving someone directions.
• You save up all year just so you can drop your kids off at the West Texas Fair so you can go to out drinking.
• You got into a fight over the Crosstown Showdown.
• You consider 60 mph winds a “slightly breezy day”.
• You’ve seen Frank Pain’s face tattooed on someone’s buttShay Hill
• Your first date is to go see the Anson Lights.
• You wear a sweater in the morning and a bikini in the afternoon.
• You walk outside and taste dirt.
• The bars close at midnight and everywhere else they close at 2am.
• There’s a church and a convenience store on every corner of town.
• It rains all around you but not on you.
• You plan your vacation around when Kevin Fowler is playing in town.
• You do outside activities in winter months and stay indoors in summer months.
• Your date asks if you’ve ever been cow tipppin’.Rudy Fernandez
• You've had several friends move off and move back within a couple of months.
• You're thankful for a rain shower cause it cleaned all the bird poop off the pick-up truck.
• You're at a stop light and you know the people in the car next to you and the church they go to.
• Not a week goes by that someone doesn't ask you "Where do y'all go to church?"
• You're in the liquor store and you pray to God that you DON'T run into anyone from your "Life Group."
• You go to the Abilene vs. Cooper game & it doesn't matter which side you sit on cause you went to one and your wife went to another.
• You know all the drink specials for everyday of the week at all the bars.
• You have friends that are putting on their own fireworks at their house and you contribute to the fireworks.
• You've ever ridden a four wheeler with a weed sprayer putting out small grass fires.
• You and/or all your best friends belong to a Volunteer fire department.
• You've told someone from out of town that Hooters can't come here because ACU owns the franchise.
• You take a camera to the World of Wheels and get pictures of your neighbor’s car.
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