I did a blog post last week about it being National Tap Dance Day and listed for you my top 5 tap dancers of all time.  I love watching it but I would much rather be doing it!  So I decided to let you see me as a tap dancer. 

I danced from the time I was 2 1/2 til my mid 30′s, when life got in the way.  You start out with a few years of ballet to get the basics, then you can take tap and jazz.  Once you’ve been tapping for awhile then you graduate to “heels” that’s such a huge thing for a tap dancer, or it was for me anyway.

I think maybe I was 13 or so when I got on heels.  What’s funny is as you then get older you want to go back flat taps.  I even had a pair that were attached to what looked like a tennis shoe.

I quit dancing a few years back but would love to go back and as I said my former dance studio, Patty Harper Dance Studio,  takes you no matter your age, there is always a class that you can join.

So here are a few of my dance pictures from years past.  I range in age in these photos from about 3-18.  I can’t take credit for the photos, they were taken by Roberts Studio, who always did a beautiful job working with little dancers.

Hope you enjoy these and get a good giggle like I did looking back!

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