In Albany, New York, a jewelry store lost $10,000 in diamonds.  They were suspicious that the missing diamonds might not have been stolen, but eaten by their greeter.  The jewelry store keeps a dog named 'Honey Bun' who acts as a friendly greeter to customers.

After x-rays were done, sure enough, Honey Bun had the diamonds.  They had been left next to a bag of dog treats, which Honey Bun apparently thought he was consuming.  After a short wait, the diamonds were....uh...recovered.  Naturally.


Store co-owner Chuck Roberts says he won't even scold Honey Bun.  He said it was his fault for leaving them out.  Honey Bun also keeps his job at the store.  Maybe he belongs at a jewelry store.  After all he has expensive 'tastes'.  Check out the video of the story  (via

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