In Texas a way to cool off is to float the river.  There are a number to choose from; the Guadalupe, Comal, Frio, San Marcus to name a few.  It’s a fairly inexpensive, relaxing and fun getaway to take in on a weekend. The problem is you have to have water in the river to enjoy the float, something that’s been a problem here in Texas the last couple of years.  Well, we’ve received a bit of rain and although the rivers aren’t fantastic they are quite enjoyable right now.I’ve tried on two previous excursions to float the river.  I had to walk my float on the first one, the second one we didn’t even rent a float.  We put our chairs in the water and let the water run over our feet.

This past weekend a group of us headed to the Frio because the water levels were allowing for good floats.  We ran into a few stagnant spots where we used our child labor (our kids) to pull us along.  Don’t worry they were rewarded with Gatorade and cherries. Overall though, the float was a success.

The same group of friends we went to the Frio with had, the previous weekend, floated the San Marcus and said it was perfect.  The flow was great, the depth was good and you never had to leave your float.

Honestly, it didn’t matter to me if the flow was slow it was relaxing and cold and you didn’t have to think about anything except whether or not you could get to the cooler!

I do have to say we stayed at a place that was quite unique and very pretty.  It’s called the Frio River Treetop.  It’s a house built on a cliff that has a walkway that leads out to a tree house deck overlooking the river.  It also had a sauna (although it felt like one outside so that wasn’t utilized), hot tub, washers and horseshoes, gas grill and smoker and all the amenities of home.  All you have to do is bring your food and swim suits.

Check out some of my pictures from this weekend.  Think you might check out a weekend of floating?

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