
Texas Population: Fort Worth is Outgrowing Austin
Texas Population: Fort Worth is Outgrowing Austin
Texas Population: Fort Worth is Outgrowing Austin
Fort Worth has a population of 956,709 as of 2022, while Austin wasn’t far ahead with 974,447 people. It is estimated by some people that Fort Worth has likely overtaken Austin in population by this time in 2024.
National Geographic Explains How We Got to Seven Billion People [VIDEO]
National Geographic Explains How We Got to Seven Billion People [VIDEO]
National Geographic Explains How We Got to Seven Billion People [VIDEO]
Recently, the world welcomed its seven-billionth person. But what does it all mean? In a stylish video titled ‘World Population: A National Geographic Tour,’ the nature magazine stalwart puts things in perspective with tidbits about how many people are born and how many die every second of every day, the average human lifespan, and the growing popularity of “mega-cities.”