Sometimes we find ourself asking, how could Andrew WK possibly be any cooler than he already is? Answer: By electrifying David Blaine.

This Sunday at Pier 54 in New York City, the party-loving singer will play a Tesla coil-powered, electrified keyboard that will send 1 million volts of electricity through David Blaine's body, via a metal suit that Blaine is wearing probably for fashion reasons. The keyboard solo is a part of a 3-day stunt where Blaine is constantly electrified. Andrew had this to say, about the upcoming event:

"This is absolutely a once in a lifetime musical experience and probably the most dangerous musical instrument ever created!" Andrew wrote in a statement. "I'm absolutely electrified and terrified by the opportunity to play a keyboard solo with so much energy, and to use this incredibly powerful device to send a musical surge through David's brain!"

Seriously, is there any way that David Blaine is going to be alive on Monday? We do not know, but we will definitely be attending. If you're not near New York, no worries -- you can watch a live stream of the action. We're looking forward to a future music/magic collaboration between Ke$ha and Criss Angel.

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