Back to School Driving Safety Tips
With school officially back in session in Abilene, that means that there will be a lot more kids going to and from school, making school zones way more active. Here are some back to school driving safety tips from TxDOT, as well as some biking and walking tips for kids, that will help us all be extra cautious during the school season.
According to TxDOT, last year, 663 vehicle crashes occurred in school zones in Texas, resulting in several serious injuries. The most common factors contributing to these crashes were driver inattention, failure to control speed and failure to yield the right-of-way at stop signs.
Following these simple tips can help Texas children reach school safely and help drivers avoid costly fines and tickets.
Tips for Driving in School Zones
- Put away your cell phone. Cell phone use is banned in active school zones, and violators face fines of up to $200 in school zones where signs are posted.
- Always obey school zone speed limit signs. Remember, traffic fines usually double in school zones.
- Drop off and pick up your children in your school’s designated areas, not the middle of the street.
- Keep an eye on children gathered at bus stops.
- Be alert for children who might dart across the street or between vehicles on their way to school.
Tips for Children Walking or Biking to School
- Always cross at intersections and designated crosswalks. Look left, right and then left again before proceeding.
- Look for traffic when stepping off a bus or from behind parked cars.
- Make eye contact with drivers before crossing the street.
- Always obey crossing guards.
- Always wear a helmet when riding a bicycle.
All of us here at Townsquare Media hope for a very safe school year for kids and parents alike.