2 Big Reasons Why The Day After The ‘Big Game’ Should Be An Unofficial Holiday
I'm sure I'm right in there with most of the nation when I say I love football. Especially at the professional level. I always have. I was raised watching football. Dad always had it on in the house in one form or another. Sundays were reserved for church and football. That's it. As I've grown older, so has my love for the game. This is the time of year that's exciting for many football fans. There's only one game left, the big one for the Vince Lombardi trophy.

According to Statista, 99.18 million Americans caught the game in 2022. But that is not the highest-watched game. In 2015, a record 114.44 million viewers caught the New England Patriots' win against the Seattle Seahawks. I bring all of this up to make a point. The game is a big deal. I come from the era when the President of the United States calls the winning team live on the air. Watching is a national pastime and in Texas, that means some pretty mean parties.
It's a great day of celebrating football. Then, a Monday slaps you in the face. It's back to the grind of the work week affecting millions of Americans. That's why I purpose the day following the big game be considered an unofficial holiday and here are a couple of reasons why.
Let's face it, if you threw or attended a party, you need this. Whether you drank alcohol or not, some of these parties can last kind of late. With work the next day, this is a no-go. It's best to have a day to regain focus.
Here's another face-the-fact moment. Productivity at work the next day is going to be extremely low anyway. After all, who wants to mess with reports, emails, and paperwork?
Ok, so my proposal may not turn into a holiday but I know millions of folks who would agree that it may not be a bad idea. Are you one of them? In the meantime, I guess we'll just have to settle for the thrill of the game, the commercials, and all of the great food.
Indeed, the food is a big deal too. You've got to have the right snacks on hand. If you have the wrong kind at your party, that can really affect things. For a look at some foods you should avoid, just look below.
Top 10 Foods to Not Bring to the Next Big Game Party
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