‘Fear The Walking Dead’ Teases Season 3 in New ‘Passage’ Webisodes
How cute, you presumed The Walking Dead would let weeks of the year go by without premiering new episodes on one of its branches. So it is, that one week out from the main series’ return, Fear The Walking Dead has begun the slow shamble to Season 3 with a new series of webisodes to potentially impact the franchise.
AMC released the first in a new 16-part web series for Fear The Walking Dead, dubbed simply, Passage. It remains to be seen if any characters from the series are intended to end up in Season 3, as was briefly the case for last year’s webisode series Flight 462 in Season 2.
So reads the Passage synopsis:
A fearsome survivor agrees to help an injured woman in exchange for an apocalyptic sanctuary. A new installment of the 16-part series is available every week on amc.com, the AMC mobile apps, and on-air during premiere episodes of The Walking Dead.
In the meantime, Fear The Walking Dead will return for Season 3 in 2017, upped to the full 16 episodes of its AMC progenitor, which premieres Season 7 on October 23.
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