It's National Teacher Day. What a great day to celebrate everything they do, after all they shape our future.

Teachers can make such a huge impact on a young mind. Even the littlest things! Thinking back there is one teacher, when I was growing up in Richardson, that really shines in my eyes!  My second grade teacher Mrs. Hall.  She knew I was terribly shy. My mother always made my dresses and I wore them with pride, but in second grade I broke my ankle and started wearing pants all the time so that my cast was covered and no one would notice...yeah right! I remember Mrs. Hall calling me up to her desk and asked me "Why don't you wear those pretty dresses your mom made you anymore?" I told her that I was embarrassed about my cast and was hiding it. I didn't want the attention. In a gentle voice she told me that I should keep wearing those pretty dresses! Don't try to hide that cast! It's really cool and all your friends will want to sign it!

Guess what? The next day, I started wearing my dresses again and I did the next day and the next day and the next! I know it was a small thing, but I really get teary eyed thinking about how just that little talk brought me out of my shell even if it was just a little bit. Thank you Mrs. Hall for that! I'll never forget it!

Other wonderful teachers? Mrs. Cain my 4th grade teacher. We all loved her! At the end of the school year she announced she was pregnant and went around the class and told each of us a quality of ours that she hoped her child would have. She told me that she hoped her child giggled as much as I did. Yeah, I got caught giggling all the time!

Mr. Nelson my 6th grade teacher. What an awesome man! He was older and ready to retire but he had so many stories about his life! I was like having your grandfather teach a class.

Those are the teachers that stand out to me. How about you? Tell me about your favorite teachers and why?

I found this wonderful video. It's a tribute to teachers with Taylor Hicks singing 'Do I Make You Proud'. Be careful cause it put me to tears!

Thank you teachers...past, present and future for all you do!!

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