Justin Bieber Disses Record Label in Deleted Tweet
Justin Bieber's #MusicMondays have been launched on the back of his star status and Belieber devotion, two incredibly powerful things. But that didn't stop the singer from taking a shot at his record label IDJ on Twitter.
The singer fired off a tweet, which he promptly deleted, likely after his manager Scooter Braun shook his finger at the teen. Or maybe Biebs realized the error of his ways.
Our take? Biebs, don't bite the hand that feeds.
Bieber is signed to IDJ and he made an angry comment via tweet, calling record labels "shady" and saying that his label is not supporting his projects, wishing they would work harder on them.
We're confused as to why he would say that, since The Biebs is one of the biggest and most important artists on the label and the powers-that-be at IDJ KNOW that. It is in their best interess to make him a top priority and to keep him and his fans happy.
Also, The Biebs has a built-in machine with Beliebers. The songs on the #MusicMondays campaign are selling and making an impact organically. So what if they are not burning up radio charts? Bieber has never been radio dominant...yet.
Maybe he was just mad and not seeing the forest for the trees when he let his thumbs do the talking?
See the tweet here.