Learn How to Carve the Best Pumpkin for Halloween
Halloween is just around the corner and that means pumpkin carving! Some folks go all out and some go more basic. No matter which way you choose to go there are some basic techniques that will make it easier.
One important basic is choosing a pumpkin. You want one that will last for a while, so find one that is young and has a firm stem attached. If it has a little green around the top, even better.
You also want to look for and embrace unusually shaped pumpkins. Also use good sturdy tools and trace or draw your design before cutting.
Lastly, you can use power tools! If you don't already have these on hand you can buy the small inexpensive kits at the store, which actually work best for detail.
I've included a couple of videos. One will help walk you through the carving process while the other will give you something to aspire to! Maybe one day we will be as good as the guy in the last video!