Neil Simon's "The Good Doctor" is a sad, touching, and yet hilarious play that brings up many of life's experiences. This is also a benefit for The Medical Care Mission serving Abilene and the surrounding area.
Big Country AIDS Resources (BCAR), a nonprofit that serves Abilene and 19 counties in the surrounding area, now has an on-site pharmacy offering in-person expanded medication services.
It's amazing how much you can learn at a doctor visit. Even if it's a visit for someone besides yourself.
I took my Mom to an appointment earlier today, and got a 20-minute lesson in how the human brain works, and what it needs. Turns out your brain needs the proper food, exercise, and care that most of your other parts do...
This is the kind of research we need to help detect and treat cancers. This disease takes so many different forms and is always difficult to treat. It takes far too many lives. Hope they can make this a universal test someday! RJ
The Associated Press
A blood test so sensitive that it can spot a single cancer cell lurking among a billion healthy ones is moving one step cl