What a special little girl! Ten year-old Jordyn from Texas did what all of us have done in the past. She found her Christmas present early! This is where the story is a little different. Jordyn has decided to use the present to raise money for our troops

Jordyn discovered the American Girl doll in her mother's "hiding" place. She asked her mom to go ahead and return it and donate the money to the troops since donations were low at her school. They came up with a better idea! Now, they are raffling the doll off on Facebook! They have already raised over $1,500! Not a bad return considering the American Girl Doll named Saige retails for about $110. A business posted on the Facebook page that they would match the donations!
The raffle ends Saturday. You can find out more at the Saige for Soldiers Facebook page.

Jordyn and her mother were on the Today Show yesterday. See the interview below!

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