Here's one important thing that One Direction's Harry Styles shares with his fans: big hearts! Thanks to a concerted online effort by Directioners, Harry made a cancer-stricken fan's dreams come true!

reached out to Kelcey Hallinan of Dunmore, Penn., after her friends started a campaign to get the singer to tweet the 18-year-old, currently hospitalized battling lymphoma. Her prior plans to meet him in person through the Make-A-Wish Foundation had to be scrapped because she wasn't well enough. But thanks to the efforts of Directioners worldwide, the hashtag "#harrytweetkelcey" trended and caught Harry's eye. He soon sent out a sweet tweet to Kelcey:

He didn't stop there, however: Harry also Skyped with the teen AND vowed to get a cancer-ribbon tattoo in her honor! Kelcey was so excited, according to her mom, that her oxygen had to be adjusted. Her friends were thrilled with the outpouring of support on the Internet. "She is one of my best friends," said Sarah Jeffers, who helped kick-start the campaign. "This is the one thing we could do for her."

Another exciting bonus? Styles is now following Kelcey on Twitter -- along with 32,000 others, including Katie Couric and the LiveStrong Foundation. Send your best wishes to Hallinan with the hashtag #KelceyStrong!

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