Rumors were circulating earlier this week that Firebrand Games has been working on a movie tie-in game for the Fast & Furious franchise and Activision. Well, according to this EB Games listing in Australia, it appears that rumor is true.

The as-yet-to-be-officially-announced game listing is for Fast & Furious: Showdown and appears to indicate that it will launch for Xbox 360, Wii U and PlayStation 3 right around the time that Fast & Furious 6 hits theaters in May.

According to the product description, the game's story will bridge the events from the past two movies, connecting Fast Five to the upcoming Fast & Furious 6. The gameplay will be chock full of heists, hijacking, and shootouts spread across eight chapters, each representing a different location around the world. The game will feature 31 missions that will have you doing things that include winning races, hijacking vehicles, and stealing cargo.

Firebrand's previous work on games such as NASCAR Unleashed and Need for Speed: The Run indicate to us that this might be a pretty decent movie tie-in game. Course you never know with those kinds of games!

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