
Chaz Seeks Advice on Dealing with Pet with Cancer
Chaz Seeks Advice on Dealing with Pet with Cancer
Chaz Seeks Advice on Dealing with Pet with Cancer
I recently found out that my 9 year old boxer has cancer, something that is not that uncommon with boxers.  But, my wife and I are not sure yet where to go from here, and we need a little advice.  Have you ever had to go through this experience with your pet?
Mardi Gras Dog Parade
Mardi Gras Dog Parade
Mardi Gras Dog Parade
Who doesn't like a parade? Dogs like to celebrate Mardi Gras just like people do so make sure you and your pooch don't miss the festivities this Saturday with the Mardi Gras Dog Parade.
‘The Fur Ball’ Abilene’s Only Dinner and Dance for People and Their Pets is Back Febraury 16th
‘The Fur Ball’ Abilene’s Only Dinner and Dance for People and Their Pets is Back Febraury 16th
‘The Fur Ball’ Abilene’s Only Dinner and Dance for People and Their Pets is Back Febraury 16th
Abilene's only dinner and dance for people and their dogs is scheduled for February 16th at the Abilene Civic Center. The "Fur Ball" for 2013 is themed "Cow Dogs and Cowboys" so wear you boots, hats and blue jeans. A gourmet meal will be served for all the guests, human and canine. The people food will be catered by Perini Ranch Steakhouse and the doggie buffet is provided by P
Cats Really Do Love Their Owners
Cats Really Do Love Their Owners
Cats Really Do Love Their Owners
It turns out that cats really do love us back. Time magazine published a study conducted extensively with cat owners, looking at aspects of cats' behavior by scientists and animal experts. Apparently the love is shown more strongly to women than to us guys too.