While the weather is getting warmer and we head outdoors, bugs are coming indoors into our homes looking for water and food, beware and know what to do!
Scorpions and all kinds of spiders are invading our homes due to the recent rains. Here's what I discovered that will get rid of them once and for all.
Abilene's been hit with a cricket infestation. To find out where they came from and what to do about it, I talked with Vector Control Director Aaron Vannoy. Check out the video to find out how to get rid of them.
Summers here as are the bugs that make our lives miserable. One of those bugs is the chigger and there's a lot of misconceptions about treating chigger bites.
Continuing our unofficial "Stop Being Afraid of Insects" series, here are 16 pictures of ladybugs. Granted, most people aren't afraid of ladybugs, but they've probably never seen that video of a ladybug taking off in super-slow motion. Or had a house infested with them. They can be pretty disturbing when they're part of a throbbing ladybug mass. But not like this. This is adorable.
Listen, don't read this while you're eating. Come back when you've finished though. It's just that reading about parboiling insects might have a negative effect on your appetite. See, the 17-year cicadas have already started to emerge from the ground, and there are going to be billions of them. BILLIONS. So, you may as well eat some, right?
Generally, when we think of beetles we imagine something black and vaguely menacing, slowly crawling towards our foot. GAH! It turns out, not all beetles are that way.